Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Partners

Socrate has strong collaborations with several international partners.

  • Princeton University, School of Applied Science, Department of Electrical Engineering, NJ. USA. This cooperation with Prof. H. Vincent Poor is on topics related to decentralized wireless networks. Samir Perlaza has been appointed as Visiting Research Collaborator at the EE Department. Jean-Marie Gorce spent his Sabatical year at the EE Department. Scientific-Leader at Inria: Jean-Marie Gorce.

  • University of Sheffield, Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, Sheffield, UK. This cooperation with Prof. Inaki Esnaola is on topics related to information-driven energy systems. Scientific-in-charge at Inria: Samir Perlaza.

  • Virginia Tech, Discovery Analytics Center, Department of Computer Science, Blacksburg, VA, USA. This cooperation with Prof. Ravi Tandon is on topics related to channel-output feedback in wireless networks. Scientific-Leader at Inria: Samir Perlaza.

  • University of Cyprus, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Cyprus (ECE), Nicosia, Cyprus. This cooperation with Prof. Ioannis Krikidis is on topics related to energy-harvesting and wireless communications systems. Scientific-Leader at Inria: Guillaume Villemaud.

Informal International Partners
  • Universidade Federal do Ceará, Department of Tele-informatics, GTEL lab. A formal cooperation is currently under preparation but, exchange of researchers for seminars and courses already took place between 2012 and 2014. Mutual topics of interests include interference management and massive MIMO.